Blue isn't an idiot by any means.

But because he doesn't like 1911's for his uses & needs, he relates everyone elses needs to his own.

Reports are that Blue is an outstanding & accomplished competitive shooter; EveryDayMan has completely different views of needs & what reliability might consist of than Blue.

EveryDayMan does not shoot 500 rounds every time he goes out to shoot........he likely does not shoot 100.

There are many more EveryDayMan's in the world than there are in incalculable number & his needs are not not Blue's needs, or wants, or expectations.

If a particular gun (or anything else) is reliable to EveryDayMan's expectations, is that so wrong, or does it mean that it is not reliable to him? Probably not.

Blue needs to recognize that & let it go.........seems to be eating him up a bit from the tone of his response.