Is there any evidence to suggest that people with alcohol content 0.08 and below are statistically responsible for more accidents? Honest question. I have called 911 on drivers that are weaving all over the road once or twice in my lifetime, given the plate numbers to them and direction of travel, however if I have a glass of wine with my dinner I don't necessarily even feel like I have had any wine by the time we leave. Now 2 glasses of wine I can feel so I don't drink that for sobriety and $8.00 a glass reasons. I just wonder why they are pushing it down to 0.05 and if they have statistically proven data collected by a neutral source that at 0.05 you are 10,20,30% more likely to have a wreck. This looks more like a social justice type campaign against say "tobacco" than a real problem to me unless its a hard cold proven fact by an independent research organization that has no dog in the fight.