When I worked up in Canada, they have check points all the time in BC, Alberta ,Ontario & Quebec...
home office was in Ontario.. so I'd be back there at times....right on the border of Quebec...
Ottawa across from Hull P.Q.

The Canucks were always good for office jokes.. and much better than the Average American
company's office...

One I thought was pretty funny...

Archie and Reggie are a pair of Newfies...living in Rural Newfoundland...

There favorite bar was this place 20 miles outside of town....

One night after closing down the bar, they were driving home in Archie's little Rusty Datsun pickup
of course being three sheets to the wind...

They top a hill on the way home and of course there is a check point at the Cross Roads at
the bottom of the hill by the RCMP...

Reggie starts to freak out.... Archie pulls over, and tells him there is nothing to worry about..
" just follow my lead, and do exactly as I do and say what I say"...

So he gets out of the pickup and act like they are taking a whizz...

Archie picks up one of the 50 or so beer bottles rolling around in the back of his truck...
peals the label off the bottle, takes his hat off, brushes his hair back...
licks the label and sticks it on his forehead.. then puts his ball cap back on..

Reggie follows suit.. and they get back in the Rusty Datsun and head down to the check point...

as they pull up to the stop... a pair of Mounties, stop by each window...
as Reggie and Archie roll down the window, they smell the alcohol on their breaths...

The Mountie on the Drivers side asks Archie... so where you boys coming from?

Oh the bar back at St Mary's Corner...10 miles back....

So do you mind getting out of the truck?

No sir officer, as they get out...

What's your name if you don't mind me asking...

Archie, officer and this here is my mate Reggie...

So Archie, have you and Reggie been drinking tonight...

Oh no Sir Officer...

Well it sure smells like Beer here Archie...How am I suppose to believe you
and Reggie haven't been drinking??

Archie pulls off his hat, and points to the beer label on his forehead..

No sir Officer, Reggie and I haven't been drinking sir...

We're both on the patch!.. Show him Reggie....

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez