This is BS that is pushed by MADD. I saw an interview with a Mad mother once, her 17 year old daughter was "killed by a drunk driver" and she was on the warpath.
I investigated her story and, yes, her daughter was driving her Camaro and the wreck was at 1 am.
Mom had given the daughter the Camaro.

In the first place, it is not real smart to give a high school kid a hot rod car, most of them can't handle it.
Secondly, your high school junior should not be out at 1 am, nothing good happens after midnight.
And yes, the guy who she collided with was drunk, but, I bet the girl was drunk too.

What you have is a case of incompetent parenting, this Mad mother was on a guilt trip so she wants to punish everyone in society.

.08 is a perfectly good marker they should leave it there.