A gentleman from Sweden was visiting our family last fall. He would not even drink a beer because he was driving. It appears that the Swedes, and I assume, those from most European countries value the right to drive highly. If they plan on going out for an evening they will take some form of public transportation because there is a much more stringent enforcement of DUI laws with stiff penalties that are unforced.

Two months ago my wife and three youngest children were almost killed when an amped up guy driving a semi bobtail passed a line of traffic going up a long hill. He kept the pedal down all the way to the top and hit a 70 yo man head on. The semi tractor was immediately beside my family in our vehicle and they saw the whole thing happen. We are still dealing with anxiety when driving.

This guy had a history of abuse but wasn’t intimidated by the penalties he would face. If we actually enforced what is on the book these stupid pols wouldn’t be grandstanding like they are saving the world. Wasted empty suits they are.