Originally Posted by JMR40
I'm betting cell phones beat that percentage...

What did they blame it on before cell phones. The percentage of drivers with cell phones has gone from almost 0% to over 99% in about 30 years. During the same period the number of traffic accidents has plummeted to all time lows. I know there are accidents caused by drivers distracted by phones. And I get as annoyed by some drivers as much as anyone. But the numbers don't add up. I don't think they are causing nearly as many problem as we're being told. There are certain people who simply can't drive worth a crap and the phone just makes them worse. I"m of the opinion that anyone who can't "talk" on a phone and drive simply can't drive anyway. Those people will end up causing a crash with, or without a phone. I don't have a problem with talkers. It is the texting where the danger lies.

The .05 standard has applied to anyone with a CDL all along even when not driving a commercial vehicle. I simply don't know enough to say whether someone at .08 is impaired enough to matter. But I certainly don't want impaired drivers out there. Sounds like they are just applying the same rules to everyone.

Just a word of warning if you do drink and drive, even a little. About 10 years ago we had a crash where a young mother pulled out of an intersection in front of a guy on his way home from work. The young mother did not have the right of way, the guy did. But the guy had stopped for a beer on the way home. I don't know what his BAC registered, but they could not charge him with DUI. But an overly aggressive DA did push for and win a conviction claiming that the alcohol contributed to the crash. He spent several months in prison before having the conviction thrown out on appeal. There should have never been a trail, but his life was basically ruined by the time he got out.

Splitting hairs here but it's .04 if you have a CDL.


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