In Canada, we don't have wilderness preserves like there are in the States and we need that sort of preservation now before we give it all away to corporate interests. I guess I must be one of those "greenies". Habitat loss is the biggest threat to all species. Of course, that habitat loss is mostly attributable to the burgeoning human population.
You know, if one half of the US population died tommorrow, there would still be at least as many people in the US as there were when I was in high school in Idaho. If half of the people in the world died tomorrow, there would still be nearly twice as many people in the world than there were when I was In high school. This is a problem, folks, and we knew it was a problem 60 years ago. Nonetheless, we continue to facilitate increasing population and did so in order to ensure a growing economy. In other words, we did it for the money (and power and self interest).
Habitat preservation is a necessary thing. GD