I am neither for nor against BHA, as I honestly don't know much about them and what they support outside of public access, but I think a lot of people on these boards would do well to attend a BLM or Forest Service public meeting: specifically one for developing a Resource Management Plan or Forest Plan. The controversy is mind boggling, and the comments from the public are telling; both "sides" giving comments like "there's a special place in hell for you" or "you're the Devil's whore"...

Get involved in these planning meetings and I will bet people will begin to understand why multiple use means....multiple use. Just don't go to those meetings with a biased mindset towards your "side". Everyone thinks that their favorite resource is the most important and should be given priority over everything else. Please realize that managers have to a) consider all of those concerns (yes, even those you don't agree with) and b) what the laws and courts require them to do. I'll agree that some federal managers are absolutely incompetent and biased, but there's just as many in the state and local governments and in the private sector.

Another thing to realize is that lots of seasonal closures to roads and other activities is because of extreme pressure from the state government...not necessarily (and quite often not at all) from the federal agency. Shed hunting in WY west of the continental divide is banned in winter by the state government, but lots of people blame the BLM or Forest Service simply because they don't understand how the system works. I'll guess that similar situations exist in other states.

Last edited by T_Inman; 05/12/18. Reason: clarify