Thanks Dave, I knew you were not my type of people.

I'm pretty much an old guy and my ability to access wilderness is quickly becoming limited. So, my interest is in preserving quality hunting for others, not for me. But you wouldn't know about that - it's all about you.

Look to Texas the Southeast and much of the midwest where private hunting clubs and leases are where, "hunting has become SUCH a pain in the @$$" that people quit hunting. I know I did when I lived there.

And who says hunting is going away in wilderness areas? You. That sure is some crystal ball you have there.

the places that I've lived with bonafide wilderness have been places where the people really appreciated it. Some because they used it directly, others for the industry that grows up around it.

Dave, you make up more BS than most people on this forum and that's saying something. Anyway, you lost one today. Wasn't even close,