Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by trapperJ
I'm a BHA member and my hunting transportation can a does include airplane, snow machine,truck ,boats of several types as well as backpack. I don't use a wheeler but I'm not against it in areas that it's already allowed because I understand not every can or wants to backpack hunt.

For me it's about keeping public lands open and available to sportsmen and to not have public land locked up by private corporations whatever your mode of transportation.Public land is one of the main reasons I chose to live in AK where there is lots of it.

Please tell us all which private corporations have lock up what public lands?

Are you only proposing keeping public lands open to sportsmen, or do you support the Multiple Use Act and it
's policies that keep public land open to everyone?

Honest question, have you ever read the MUSYA? Its pretty apparent that you never have or you didn't comprehend what it says. Where, in the act, does it say that every acre of land must remain open for every use under the sun?

I'll save you the bother of looking, although you really should read it, it doesn't say that at all.

You have a complete and total misunderstanding of the MUYSA, what it says, and what it does and how its applied.

As to what corporations or individuals have locked up public lands, there are many examples, a big one is an entire swath of South Central Wyoming in checkerboard ownership.