Originally Posted by rockinbbar
I'm just waiting for one thread about BHA that isn't ripe with controversy.

Surely one exists?

Right? wink

Not in the "hunters campfire" forum. You could post something about the NRA being a champion for 2A rights and someone would be along shortly to tell you the NRA is not ideologically pure enough. Can't see the forest for the trees kind of thing.

On the backpack hunting forum BHA is not so controversial. That's because backpack hunters tend to place a high value on roadless public lands which is the whole point of BHA. The busy bodies who potrray themselves as freedom-loving individualists but like to tell other people how to think don't hang out there yet.

Hell, Skinner would have you believe that the use of "hunters and anglers" in the name was a vast left-wing conspiracy.

A wise man is frequently humbled.