Originally Posted by T_O_M
Originally Posted by Tarkio
They actively advocate to tie up more land, impose the feds into more management and control, limit more everyday people by promoting more wilderness crap.

This is borderline ignorance ... or you're not from the west. Out here, what we're seeing is large private companies closing their holdings to public access entirely or moving to a quota-based trespass fee system which locks out the bulk of the public. The only land the public has regular access to is precisely that wilderness.

I'm not sure if I'm for BHA or against, but I am for the truth and YOU are not telling it.


I assure you I live in Montana and absolutely assure you bha is strongly advocating keeping wsa under that designation even though they were designed to revert to their previous management which was (SPOILER ALERT!!!) public land.

WSAs were a step towards evaluating an area to determine if it needed to be made into a wilderness area. Original guidelines stated if the area didn't meet the requirements to become a full-fledged wilderness area it was to revert to its previous management. So, this crap drug on for decades. Most WSAs are still WSAs never destined to become full fledged wilderness areas. Currently there is a push to revert these back to normal public land management and use. But with money from the coasts and useful idiots who are easily duped into believing the scary guy behind the curtain is going to "give all the public land away" they advocate to maintain these areas, limiting activities that normal public lands allow.

I would love to have you show me where any corporation has blocked you from using public lands? No one can do that. Yes they can block you from trespassing on THEIR land. That is one of the basic tenets of this country, the right to private property. Are you bitching about that? Here where I live, there are nearly 26,000,000 acres of public lands that, if you can legally get to a border of that land, you can access it and use it to you heart's content. I believe there's more because the chart I used doesn't have corps acres incorporated. If you are FROM HERE, you obviously know they have some acreage here too, right? That also doesn't count section 16 and 36 in most all townships across the sate. You were aware of those too because you are FROM HERE, right?

For you to state wilderness areas are the only areas the public has access to is a bald-faced lie. I am looking out my windows and can see thousands of acres of BLM land that you can go roll around on and take a glorious public-lands dirt bath any time you want. I don't get where this crap comes from.

BHA is all about exerting more and more federal control over land under the guise of "protecting and preserving".

Last edited by Tarkio; 03/08/18.

Montana MOFO