Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy

It shouldn't be a non issue since your beloved org is gaga over him.

Since youre a rmef member you know they have actually put their money to acquiring land to secure public land access. Honestly besides ceremonial actions at meetings and campaigns wtf has bha ever done? What do they spend their enviro money on?

So you're going to tell me what should and shouldn't be an issue for me? That's rich. Just like I said above, a bunch of busy body mind-everybody-else's-business culture warriors we got here.

They spend their money lobbying and they work at the grassroots level. Go dig up buzz's old post on all the stuff his local chapter did. They do lots of stuff like SBTCO advocates above, show up at meetings, make their voices heard, write letters to the editor, advocate for roadless public lands, and so on and so forth. But I think you knew that.

What have you done? Besides toss out questions on the internet I mean?

A wise man is frequently humbled.