
The intent of MUSYA is what matters, not what you, or "most people" FEEL. If you want to talk about feelings, well, there are folks that deal with that...I'm not one of them.

The MUSYA clearly states that some lands will be used for less than all of its resources, and the harmonious and coordinated management of the various resources, each with the other, without impairment to the productivity of the land, with equal consideration being given to the relative values of the various resources and not necessarily the combination of uses that will give the greatest dollar return, or the greatest unit output.

Under MUSYA, the FS is required to consider all uses, and how management decisions will impact things like water quality, timber, recreation, fish and wildlife, range.

I can tell you for a fact, that water quality, recreation, and fish and wildlife needs were not equally considered in regard to management decisions and actions under MUSYA. Lots of examples of that.

I would like to see a comprehensive list, from you, regarding the "large tracts of public land" that the FS has closed off public access to. I'll be waiting for your list...state by state is preferable.

The question you asked wasn't about the "why" private landowners have locked the public out of their public lands, just that you needed proof of it happening. Happens all the time, millions of acres are public lands are locked out by private landowners/corporations, etc. Many roads, even those with prescriptive easements are illegally gated by public landowners (see Crazy Mountains in MT as classic example).