Originally Posted by Robert_White
Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Originally Posted by dan_oz
Originally Posted by RiverRider
Yes...we should persecute and exterminate an entire ethnicity because of a few bad actors--without regard to the contributions of the many.

Sieg heil!

Yes, something like 16 Medal of Honor recipients, 36% of all US recipients of the Nobel Prize, 38% of the recipients of the US National Medal of Science, and their contributions to saving many millions of lives via their role in such things as blood transfusions, vaccines for polio, hepatitis B, measles, diptheria, tetanus and bacterial meningitis, their role in the elimination of smallpox, and of course their role in the Manhattan Project. What have the Jews ever done for the United States?

Well said.

Ronald Radosh documents the venom he received after proving the Rosenburgs guilt.
You should read his own communist Jewish confessions.
The New York Marxist Jewish cabal defended the Rosenburgs to their dying breath. A community acted in concert. The judge blamed them for embolding communism and bringing on the Korean war.
Liberal media, godless Hollywood, overthrow of WASP hegemony, abortion, sodomy, marxism... all of this is was will be promoted by this community acting in concert.
I can stack up the documentation to the moon.

Robert, I have a serious question for you. At the risk of repeating what is now obvious, I'm Jewish, the son of Holocaust survivors and a proud American who has devoted a large part of my law practice to defending the Constitution against progressive attacks. There are some in my family who are on the left and some who are on the right. While most of my mom's side was wiped out by the Nazis, most of my father's side had emigrated (legally) to the US just as the Holocaust was starting to claim large numbers and all of the men in my father's side who were of military age during WW2 enlisted in the US military, even though they could barely speak English and had been in the US for a short time (a few years, at most).

My uncle by marriage, who was not Jewish but converted to Judaism when he met my aunt, was a U.S. Marine who was on board the USS Helena on December 7, 1941 when it was nearly sunk by Japanese torpedoes. He went on to fight through the Pacific, including Guadalcanal. My other uncles (also by marriage, and all of these men were Jewish immigrants) also served during WW2. Two of them were crew on B24/B25s, both were shot down in combat. The one uncle was killed when his plane was shot down over German (ironic, given that he was born and raised there) and the other survived for months in the jungles of Burma, evading the Japanese until he was finally rescued. My father, who was the second youngest of the kids in his family, enlisted as soon as he turned 18 and was part of MacArthur's Army of Occupation at the end of WW2.

Two other uncles served during the Korean War (one in the Navy, the other Army), and my cousins served in Vietnam. My brother recently retired from the Air Force after 24 years and countless deployments. I'd guess that 80% of my family is conservative politically and we are all opposed to what the left does. I have a few aunts who skew left, with one being the type that you would call a Bolshevik.

While the voter registration of my family's adults is not typical for Americans of Jewish descent, I think a lot of the "most Jews are Democrats" truism is only facially true. If you were to talk to the Democrats in my family, they'd strike you as very moderate for Democrats. I've gone to the religious services for those in my family who are "Reform" and while they definitely push politics, I have yet to see anything that would prove the claim that there is some coordinated effort by left wing Jews to undermine the country. The fact that they vote for Democrats is actually enough for me to conclude that they hate America, but this is not something that is unique to Jews. What I really can't fathom is the claim that somehow Jews are controlling other minority groups, like blacks and gays. If anything, it's the other way around.

So here's my question to you: When you speak of American Jews, how do you explain my story, which is actually not that unusual for Jews (though it is unusual to hear about, because much of the public narrative about American Jews ignores Jews like me). And what would you like to see me and my family do?

I ask this as an honest question, as I know that your beliefs are based on your own deliberation and thoughts and you're not just flinging poo for the sake of pissing off people.

Eliminate qualified immunity and you'll eliminate cops who act like they are above the law.