Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Ron Unz? Ghost-in-the-Machine and Bristoe worship Ron Unz?

Anyone who would believe the word of that wack-doodle over General Eisenhower is certifiably evil. And the same goes for TRH and Ethan Edwards.

Even the worst of the Nazi war criminals did not deny the Holocaust happened, not even while they tried to find an excuse for their crimes.

The benefit of this thread is that it shows how easy it was for Hitler to find willing executioners. Or would be again!

Someone called you a piece of [bleep]. You are lower than Adolph Eichman. You do not deserve to be called an American or a Christian. So stop pretending to be something you're not.

Now you've done let yourself get all worked up again. Pour yourself a generous glass of Manischewitz and relax.