if you took out every post that had one guy telling another guy to watch a video or read an article - and that guy responding with "I don't have to but I'm gonna talk about it anyways" this thread would be 5 pages long.

For me its pretty simple

set aside all that holocaust happened/didn't happen horseshit

People are up in arms over electing a Muslim in office, primarily because they believe (and rightfully so) that she will put her religious preferences ahead of our constitution.

Now look at AIPAC. Yes, there are other organizations that act as lobbyists representing the interest of foreign countries, but they pale in comparison to the power of AIPAC.

For the life of me, I don't understand why anyone doesn't have a problem with a group of people in this country promoting a lobby whose sole purpose is to influence American policy in support of the security and prosperity of a foreign country. Yet people are losing their collective schit over Russias influence in the election. go figure.I guess if Russia just did it out in the open all proper like , it would be OK.

I don't have a problem with Jews per se, but I have a problem with Israeli firsters and the politicians who sold out to them. Somewhere post WWII, Americans have been infused with this idea that we are obligated to support Israel in much greater proportion than our country's best interest dictate. (case in point, the mass of responses where I'll be "educated" that Israel is an ally to us in the middle east, a strong democracy, god's chosen people, etc. without any consideration of the true cost of that alliance to the American people in the last 60 years,) And when you see a disproportionate number of Israeli firsters in positions of power and influence, then you take notice.

I have no problems with labels. If that makes me anti-semitic (or even anti-semantic), then sign me up. Just as being against reparations makes me anti-black, wanting border security makes me anti-latino, and being a nationalist makes me a white supremacist. Put my name on a list and send me my membership card. Sign me up for all that stuff.

At the end of the day, I know I want the best version of America for *all* of its citizens.

Last edited by KFWA; 12/02/19.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings