Originally Posted by jimmyp
Fakler's 1987 studies have been largely superseded. I mean who talks about stopping power anymore?? The computer is a wonderful device for collecting, storing, organizing, and analyzing data. Shooting data compiled and analyzed indicate that handgun cartridges 9mm, 40SW, 45ACP offer very similar performance. If anyone has recent data that shows through a significant number of cases that the 45ACP is 20-30% better than the 9mm, I would be happy to admit that I am wrong provided its from a reliable source, and not something like the 19 year old and largely discredited Strasbourg goat shooting test. Even Jeff Cooper's 1911 45ACP love was based largely on anecdotal evidence and personal prejudice. Again if I am wrong tell my why most federal, state, local, agencies have moved to the 9mm? Don't say because they are weenie's and can't shoot big guns, that is another red herring. Why would they put an inferior cartridge into their personnel's hands to go into harms way?

No his wortk has not been superceded and his work went way past 1987

You are all or nothing no one said that it is an inferior cartridge.
Are you obtuse naturally or do you work at it

Last edited by jwp475; 01/27/20.

I got banned on another web site for a debate that happened on this site. That's a first