Originally Posted by HawkI
Regarding Cooper, Askins or Jordan, or people I have personally known from the last great war; the one confidence they had to share was being sent down a literal hole with a pretty [bleep] light and a 1911.

But hey, any of us on the internet or those in a ballistics lab are tougher, more experienced and have all the advantage of theoretical nonsense..
The best part is you get to call bullshit on a veteran of ACTUAL combat.

No combat veteran I've met or read from three wars has ever had anything detrimental to say about the 45 ACP and ball ammo, ever. That outnumbers the FBI agents I've known or in print actually using the round and bullet 6 to none.


Between older male relatives and two patrol sergeants I worked for 35 years ago, I had 6-7 firsthand accounts of 45 FMJ against enemy combatants in Korea or Vietnam. Only two required a second shot (termed 'insurance') and all but one were left for dead on the battlefield, the survivor being carted off for interrogation. Saw it used in three homicides, 1-2 shots and done.

Direct Impingement is the Fart Joke of military rifle operating systems. ⓒ