Originally Posted by Anaconda

“You still need to aim a shotgun”. Well yes and no. You really need to ‘aim” a handgun, and even trained professionals miss more than 50% of shots fired at bad guys. Just review police shootings.

Don’t disagree with anything, except the part about calling police officers trained professionals.😂

I have shot with a bunch of them, and watched even more shoot. There are some who are professionals, and who are trained. They are the ones who do it on their own and would be trained, badge or not. The rest are little better than the bubbas at the gun shop counter asking which gun is the cheapest. I bought a Beretta 92 once for a steal from a sheriff’s deputy that made detective and didn’t think he needed anything more than a 38 snubbie anymore, and told me he only carried that because they made him. This in a rural county overrun with meth.