Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
I have dogs both inside an out so nothing will surprise me and I will have plenty of time to decide what weapon and what for, if it is a coyote, raccoon or skunk the shotgun is it. If it is an intruder my main issue will be separating my dog safely from said intruder which is easier done with a handgun in one hand. In reality the dogs are my first line of defense and I am there to support them.

In so many home invasion incidents we hear about, a barking dog might have made all the difference. (I myself just added two little yappers smile )

I will add that in my area, the sort of guys you might expect to break into your house seem to have an inord Youinate fear of dogs, most any dog, that is barking and acting aggressive.

OTOH I got no use for a dog that bites.

If you don't plan on defending against or killing an intruder why even bother carrying a gun? You typed that in an earlier post BTW.

This is where I’m coming from. Not out of concern for the perp either.

My own home defense plan starts with a barking dog and continues with the .38 j frame Airweight I’ve been packing for the past 25 years.

And if they get me...... bwahahahaha! There ain’t sh$t they can get to in my house worth pawning anyhoo..... 🙂

I did loan my Democrat Catholic Hispanic Ex BiL and his family at their request my over under Yildiz .20ga for the duration. #4 steel shot was all they had left in the store. Took him out and had him shoot it.

Administratively simple and better’n a sharp stick