Originally Posted by CGPAUL
B.S. I`m a good enough shot to know that going to 101 bullets would be a waste of them. Worked for me.


What was the criteria,per your version of "knowledge","experience" and "results",which made 99 "not enough" and 101 "too many",you '"lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Now if only in the interest of even more oblivious HILARITY,state the particulars of the platform,along with said bullets and maybe even dangle a picture of the Goat Fhuqk,so as to help others in what NOT to do. Hint. LAUGHING!

Then wax eloquent on how the Magical 100 bullets "worked" for you and the course of fire associated,to arrange same. Where do you Drooling Fhuqktards DREAM this schit up? Hint.

Bless your heart,for doing your best.



Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."