Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
For the first time in 80 years, the number of Americans with dedicated church attendance has fallen below 50%. According to a Gallup poll released Monday, only 47% of those polled confirmed that they are members of a religious body. This is quite a decline from previous years of polling, which saw the number hover around the 70% mark for several decades. Unsurprisingly, the downward trend began around the dawn of the new century.
In the Christian church, it's a lot worse than that. In recent years, many churches have turned their backs on the Lord, preaching homosexuality and other sins. They are no longer Christian no matter what they call themselves. For accurate numbers you need to subtract the members of non-Christian churches.
The Bible tells of a great falling away from the Word as the end days approach. Is this it?

As church attendance has declined, many churches have "sold their souls to Satan" by watering down the words of the God, and leading people to believe that some "sins"are now, not really sins after all. Homosexuality and gay marriage are the ones that immediately come to mind. The words written in the Holy Bible and the word of God have no changed, and for people to believe that it is okay to practice deviant behavior, and to go against God's word, can only mean one thing...........they are going to be in for a rude awakening come Judgement Day.