Originally Posted by CRS
This thread is a great example in the lack of tolerance in freedom of religion. People saying you must believe how I believe...

I completely disagree. This is a great illustration of the beauty of our freedom of religion and of expression.

What I mean is this; we can come on a public site and disagree. We can disagree vehemently. We can even kind of annoy each other.

And then, as Kingston and I have done, we can hang out and laugh and enjoy one another’s friendship around guns and food and story telling.

And not, as in countries that don’t share our western values of freedom, kill each other over it.

If so and so says that I need to do such and such and I disagree the fact that his god says I’m going to hell matters not a bit to me, especially if I don’t even believe in his god.

Unlike the Left, I do not believe words are violence and I can disagree and still be friends.

As a matter of fact my life would be boring as heck if you all agreed with me. Not to mention we’d all be wrong on many counts...