Originally Posted by Ringman
Originally Posted by Jim1611
If entering into a building that is dedicated to the worship and teaching of God isn't for you that's your business but there's a few things I do question. How many missionaries have you supported? How do you expect the lost sinner that has not teaching in regard to the Bible to hear the truth if you've chosen to hide your light under a basket? How are we going to support the ongoing outreach through speaking, writing or otherwise? Do you tithe? There may be other questions I'm not arguing about church attendance but if everyone quit going who is carrying the torch? Are you?

I also want it to be known that my post isn't a defense of the Catholic church as some here have had a problem with. As far as I'm concerned they are not a Bible based doctrine and it's no wonder they have allowed what they have.

I don't attend a church. Once I heard a church was having difficulty so I started sending money anonymously. A man came to my company looking for a job. He happened to be the son of the pastor of above church. I did not mention I was helping his church. He told his dad about me, the religious fantastic who doesn't go to church.

This ol' boy came to visit. He condemned me for not giving to God's work. I chuckled but said nothing. The building does not make one a Christian.

Had this pastor have been true to God he'd have never treated you that way. To start a conversation with someone you know nothing about and assume they don't tithe in some form shows me they need to get right with God. He also cares little for the souls of any of us. Rarely do we hear a word in our church about giving. I mean maybe once every several years. Giving should always come from the heart, never by being told to do so. As you know.