Originally Posted by jaguartx
Everyone is one heart beat away from their end day.

Birth pains are occuring.
20,000 earthquakes were recorded in 2000 with average intensity of 2.4.

2020 recorded 120,000 with average intensity of 4.2.

In Noah's time, it probably rained ten days before the scoffers got concerned. Of course, the bigger the fool the more time it took to get their attention.

Of course, the unbelievers will take solace in HIS having said HE would not drown the Earth again, while forgetting what HE said about the signs of HIS coming again. Fools.
The end days require a global government and a means by which a mark can be put on a person that will enable them to buy and sell. We're running headlong into that government. Recent technology, microchips and readable tattoos, along with a move toward a cashless economy, have made a mark very possible. What we have now isn't the mark but it's almost to the point where it can be used for one.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.