I have a strong family history of diabetes.
When I was 260+ I went to a doctor for a check up.
My A1C was 8.8 placing me deep into the diabetic range.
My blood pressure and cholesterol where very high as well.
I had constant acid reflux and what put on 5 medications for all of this, I was 58 years old and a ticking time bomb.
That was my wake up call.
I buckled down hard, knowing damn well if I didn't, I didn't have much time left.
Fast forward 4 months later.
My A1C dropped to 5.5....well out of the diabetic range, my blood pressure and cholesterol are well within safe numbers, and the acid indigestion is gone without medication, and my doctor was absolutely flabbergasted.
I have to maintain this low carb lifestyle if I want to remain among the living.
Feeling great every day is just a side benefit.

Proud NRA Life Member