Originally Posted by kamo_gari
As usual, my amigo not only serves up a meatball but puts it on a string so folks can whack it multiple times. wink Where to begin? So many angles so hard to choose. OK, I'll open with, you're a kiss and tell master level sonofagun. You think either of those women would appreciate you posting pics of them on an open forum, asking for opinions as to which one you should run off with and leave your wife for? BTW, you're totally off the list on the bank caper. You'd post pics and get us pinched before lunch the next day. Moving on, if you do file for divorce--which you won't but drag on about it at least twice a year-- consider that your frequent tales of alleged infidelity will very likely come out in legal proceedings, not to your advantage... Next up is your complaints several times a year RE: your shytbird step kids. It's your house, right? Then their living there is no one's fault but your own. Steal from you, assault you, eat your food and bring trouble to your door and you never put your foot down and tossed them out head first? Sorry, that's your choice you've made. Enough for now but I have lots more thoughts and helpful criticisms. wink Oh, as to your question? Neither!

Originally Posted by kamo_gari

Brother, I only want you to be happy and safe. You know that, I hope. I break your nuts mostly for fun, but also perhaps because you might benefit from a reality check. Each one of us only gets one crack at life. Speaking on my behalf only, I'll be fugking damned if I know I'm in a lousz, miserable situation but do nothing to fix it. YMMV. Rest well, bud.

Roger, I've been avoiding this thread since I saw the OP pop up... but since Leighton's weighed in, I'll pile on in the same vein.

You know Leighton and I care about you, and we KNOW you, and we KNOW your situation. And we BOTH say you're on a collision course with disaster.

I told you what I know about that 37 year old gal when you started with her several months ago... she is bad, bad news. But you chose to believe her line of BS, and you're still messin' with her. I don't know the 58 year old gal at all, but the circumstantial evidence I'm seeing isn't good.

Kamo Gari is 100% correct here. NEITHER of these women are a worthy option. Your home situation needs to get fixed first, THEN look for a place to land. Kick your useless stepkids out, file for divorce from D----, lay off all booze for a few months and get back to work and clear your head. Only after all that's done, and you put the whole sorry mess behind you, ONLY then, will you be in a right frame of mind to start looking for a woman to spend the rest of your life with. Until then you're playing with matches in a powder magazine.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars