Roger are you writing down all these insightful tips to improve upon your marriage ?

Let’s revisit some of the best ones.

1. Try the Anal Highway, but it ain’t Hershey...Thanks, BobbyBrownEye for that one.

2. If your wife’s broke...Leave her ! You can’t do any worse. Umm, SandBilly, maybe?

3. If you have an STD, give it to the girl you like the most...She’ll always be yours then. Alex “Arod” said that.

4. Never listen to your best friends that care about you...They are jealous of your life and want you to fail. Several members

5. You should drink more. Nobody has ever made a bad decision while fücked up. That sounds like Sock Puppet.

6. If you hate the sight of your wife....Only take her from behind and tell her prison is your new kink. Pornhub Diaries.

7. Just be kind to yourself and the lady who has shared a home with you all these years -

Or, you can skull fück her, especially if she has an STD and is trying to give it to you. Blackheart


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”