Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by Valsdad
Hard to top this morning's desayuno vittles.

Was up in the big town the other day, nice big Supermercado up there. Wife wanted some tostada shells, I always find something yummy there, usually pan dulce of some sort. Went to the meat counter and they had some chorizo picoso! I've tried their loose bulk chorizo, but too salty for me. Asked, in Spanish, for a lb of the picoso. Butcher dude looked at my suspiciously then must have figured because my Spanish isn't too bad for a gringo that I knew what I was doing. Smiled and got me my chorizo. I went over to the deli counter where they keep the freshly made corn tortillas and grabbed a package of them

Decided to just cook the whole pound and have it ready for future use after taking out about a quarter for this morning. As soon as it hit the hot pan, the vinegar and chili fumes hit me and I started coughing. Took a few minutes for it to get over the other side of the kitchen where my wife was and made her cough too. I knew then it was gonna be good

When I flipped that fugger over it spit chorizo juice at me, good thing I didn't get any in my eye.

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Had three eggs from the hens still on the counter from yesterday. Figured I'd have a three egg breakfast. I'm not a fan of regular style with the eggs all scrambled up with the sausage, so I just sort of fried/poached them in the juices.

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It was amazeballs. Heated up a couple of those fresh tortillas on my comal, eggs were slightly more done than I prefer, I'll have to pay better attention. Had to use the lid on the pan to keep the splattering down and I guess I'm not used to cooking them that way.

Stuff was hot enough at first it was tingling lips and slight burn in the throat.......ok, maybe a bit hotter than "slight". About 2/3 of the way through my nose was getting a bit runny but the sweat was just minor, not even running down my forehead. I'll rate this as decently "picoso", more than a lot of gringos can handle for sure.

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Not my style but bet it tasted great.

When I don't want scrambled i'll fry up some chorizo potatoes and topem with fried eggs cooked in da grease.

"Maybe we're all happy."

"Go to the sporting goods store. From the files, obtain form 4473. These will contain descriptions of weapons and lists of private ownership."