7mmBuster, don't misunderstand me and think that I'm trying to start an arguement with you because I'm not. I full well agree with pretty much everything you said in your first paragraph. I also understand your concern for someone running out and buying the latest mega-blaster to snipe deer with at a 1000yds. However here's the truth of the matter. Everyone has to start somewhere and hopefully along that line of education they develop some ethics and understanding of what hunting means to them. If it was mandatory that we all start as expert (meaning no mistakes allowed) then how many hunters do you think would be out there. I would venture a guess that bowhunting wouldn't even exist if that were the case. I used to bowhunt a lot, for over a decade it was an all consuming passion. However I eventually completely lost interest in it for a number of reasons. I was deeply involved during my hiatus though and I can tell you right now the average bowhunter isn't nearly as proficient as the average rifle man. Why? Because bowhunting takes more time to master....just like long range hunting. As far as time and dedication are concerned I see no difference between someone using a primitive weapon and someone wanting to become skilled at long range hunting. If you can't put in the time, one should think real hard about whether they have any business flipping an arrow or launching a bullet at a live target.

Is it Friday yet?