I have been doing some serious thinking about LR shooting and its implications for the last few days and I have come to the conclusion that for ME(that is me, personally, not telling someone else what they can do legally) that it is well beyond my definition of fair chase. And the pricipal reason I came to that conclusion is that the animal has no real chance of using his natural defenses or knowledge of the terrrain to avoid several people sitting in a position where they can command a view of several square miles of countyside.
<br>I want to preface my statement by saying I respect everyone's choice to hunt how they want to as long as it is legal.
<br>I do have questions about the reality of this statement, because if I hunt over a clearcut or Sendero or across an open section of hardwoods that you can see several hundred yards in, and I do my part of staying downwind and still, I have denied the animal of its natural abilities of detecting me haven't I??? The only fair way to hunt is let lower order animals do it! We are by design a superior species with the ability to reason and draw conclusions so it is by design that we are an unfair match for the game we pursue.
<br>Just playing devil's advocate on this because I have neither the money to buy the equipment nor location to develop the skills to get out beyond 600yds.

God, Family, and Country.
NRA Endowment Member