Here is somthing to think about.
<br>I have heard references to our for father and indians and how they " stalked" game and "sneaked" up on them to get close in order to kill...
<br>Duh.. they had to.... Do you not think that if possible back then they would have much rather taken an animal in a relaxed state of mind from a spot and distance sufficient enough that even after the initial shot ( arrow or what ever ) the animal still would not be alarmed to the point of flight??? They could in theory taken numerous animals for their needs at any one hunting excursion.
<br>Would that be fair chase???
<br>my .02 I think so... remeber fellas we don't just go pick a spot and wait.. there is scouting, paterning, watching, and planning involved in our locations darn near year round, for me anyway.... and I am sure others as well.....