<br>To answer your statements.
<br>I think you missed the point. Remember , I hunt all ways, not just longrange.
<br>If it flies, passed up the shot (he's a hunter) and "knew" he could have killed it at 500 yards but, he left it live. His reasons are different then mine and that's fine.
<br>I simply said the same thing only for a different reason.
<br>I could have killed it too but , would be more proud if I got it at "OVER" 500 yards and I'm also a hunter.
<br>We are not trying to prove to anyone we are good shots at all. We have just had tremendous success hunting this way.
<br>Regardless if it's a deer of an elk, it is a "hunting" game animal and he is a "target" to anyone that shoots him no matter what the range is.
<br>That includes short or Longrange hunters.
<br>He is simply put, a marked legal animal that will probably end up in in someones freezer by the end of the hunting season. The game commissions set this quota, not the hunters.
<br>By the way, I do like elk meat very much.