I have been gone for awhile and kinda sitting back reading today..
<br>I want to stop for just a moment and say a heart felt "Thank You" for attempting to calmly exchange your very differant viewpoints and remain civil.. For the most part anyway... (grin)
<br>How nice to see you guys stay so cool on a subject that several of you feel very strongly about. Quite a pleasant change from some of the exchanges I have seen before. Oh sure there is a nitwit or two that usually try to spoil it, but it was nice to watch the wiser more level headed spearhead the exchange this time. Sure allowed the differant views to be more clea-rly understood without the shouting didn't it
<br>This has been a great read !! And a neat insight into some of the posters themselves...
<br>Bravo !! Wish they always went this well...


This post was filmed before a live studio audiance.