Originally Posted by ingwe
OK hosers, quick report from on the road...

Nice place, you'll like it! Pics to follow.

For those of you driving, you wont need 4WD...good gravel road into the lodge.
You WILL need a kill light, these pigs are big and wild, and mostly nocturnal.

I was there for two and killed out on my first two stands. 85lb sow and 125 lb boar. Could have shot an extra the next night but gave him a pass.
Group of 7 hunters were leaving in the middle of my stay. They were there for 2 each and went home with 12...one guy telling me he only wanted one....so he only shot one. Their pigs were up to 208 lbs and they passed up bigger ones cause they aint as good to eat.

Details and pics in a couple days. laugh

Nice! What sort of setups do they have, as far as blinds? Typical distance from blind to feeder?

"...the designer of the .270 Ingwe cartridge!..."