While I'm on the subject, hopefully you guys won't think I'm presumtious with the following......

I've not been to the lodge where we will be staying, but am somewhat familiar with the topography, flora, fauna and climate of the South Texas brush country. I know that we will not be packing in on mules or by foot etc. However here are some things that I pretty much always have in my pack.........

[Linked Image]

First and foremost is Water: One is easily dehydrated in this country. IIRC, caffine and alcohol are diuretics. It can be in the 90's and high humidity. Two liters of water is good.

Flagging tape: This will most likely be brush country. It is easy to get turned around if you leave your stand AM or PM and don't pay attention. If you shoot an animal and it ain't DRT, either wait for the guide or wait 5 to 10 minutes, find a blood trail at the POI and start marking your trail.

Track back or GPS: I've had fog roll in on me a couple times and I got completely turned around. A GPS will get you squared away.

Headlight: Going out in the AM before daybreak and coming in at night after dark. Hoglets typically don't wear lights. I know this is private property and we should be the only ones hunting, but one can't be too safe.

Shooting Stix: Work well for giving one a second point of stabilization for a rifle.

Heavy duty Trash Bag: The largest heaviest trash bag you can find. A contractor bag is what I use. Hypothermia can be a bitch. With one of these most folks can crawl in it should they have to spend the night out of doors,and its blowing or raining. Can also be used as a rain parka if you don't have rain gear.

The other items in the pix are pretty much self explanitory.

Couple of things not pictured. From time to time gnats and flies can be a problem. I'd bring a can of off or something around 30% deet, 40% is better. A tee-shirt over the head and ears helps but a net or Off works mighty fine.

Sunscreen if you're fair skinned.

and it prolly goes without saying, paper towels work much better than toilet paper or prickly pear in case one gets caught short.



Last edited by geedubya; 02/17/16.

A Kill Artist. When I draw, I draw blood.