7mmMato with his yote.

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Winner of the pig dink-a-thon, Colorado Bob.

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This was my 4th pig. There's nothing like an ice cold Bud Light after a good day hunting.

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From left to right, Me, Roof, and 7mmMato. This was the night that our guides rack on the back of his truck broke. Sandcritter, 7mmMato and I each killed 1 pig and Roof killed 2. When he picked up me and Sandcritter, Mato already had his pig on the rack. Sandcritter killed a sow that probably weighed 200 lbs. The rack was already lose. We loaded our pigs on there and went to pick up Roof. When we got there, the rack was still hanging on by a thread and Sandcritter's pig was missing. We had to put the pigs in the back of the truck and then go find the missing pig. It was only a few hundred yards away in the middle of the trail laying in about a foot of mud.

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"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan