Originally Posted by Kenneth
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
It was indeed a dog and pony show. The real briefing takes place privately. The ramifications of THAT will be coming out soon.

The Sophie's Choice for Congressional Republicans will be choosing between a populist elected under the Republican banner but who is fundamentally untrustworthy due to being in cahoots with Russia (!), or, the popular backlash against removing him from the 30% or so of Americans still under Trump's spell.

Trump knows he's in deep shït. His whole thing about being wiretapped by Obama was a classic Trump attempt at deflection. But him being under investigation for collusion is because it sure appears he colluded. It's not the "deep State"'s fault that this investigation was necessary. crazy Nonetheless, he'd love to distract, deflect, and create some sort of false equivalency between the two.

Once it sinks into folks thick skulls that none of this means a Democratic win in the White House- that ship has sailed- I think POTUS Pence or Ryan will start looking ok. We still get the SCOTUS appointments and that was the big deal of this election anyway!

I could be wrong. We'll know in a week or so as the results of the private briefing start to leak out. Another sign will be whatever weird stuff Trump tweets out at 4 in the morning.

Seek help.

Pot couldn't do this, maybe Lead as a child or some other heavy metal in the well water.....

I mean seriously,

The things you say, they just don't make sense to normal people.

30%? where did that number come from?

Untrustworthy? Examples please. and not just the gossip from DU.

"He's been an epic clusterphück of a POTUS so far,"

He's been Potus for 60 days....LOL.

Ironic, Jeffo disappeared from here for a few years while his boy barry was tearing the USA apart, we watched that destruction weekly on the news.

Jeffo hid under his covers silently while watching the chaos,

Then as the elections come close, he suddenly reappears to 'educate' us,, he's been pissing and moaning since then. Coincidence I'm sure..

Funny thing is, I don't recall any threads by Jello blasting barry while cops were being ambushed,

Any thread started on Bengazi by Jello?

Any thread on the additional 8 trillon in debt?

Any thread started on the pay to play Clinton Foundation?

Ferguson? The Riots?

but I'm digressing here.......

Jello failed at all of his former careers, refresh my memory here Jeff please, Real estate, logger, musician, music store owner?

Music store owner, turned self-proclaimed political internet savant.

He is apparently succeeding in marijuana farming. Just sayin!

ETA: I saw his prediction about Krapondick in the other thread. He's into sports commentary now too. We'll see if he does better than politics.

Last edited by bigfish9684; 03/20/17.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
