Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Originally Posted by StarGazer
Originally Posted by benchman
I am at a loss as to how Jeff is so sure Trump is in bed with the Russians. This is quite simply, a lie. With the GOP AND the Democrats both gunning for Trump AND in charge of the intelligence community, it is preposterous to imagine he could keep such a thing under wraps. If he CAN, I want him on MY side. They are making a big show about nothing at all, with the sole intent being to damage a Trump Presidency. The truth be damned.

I didn't like it when Sean Spicer said yesterday that Mike Flynn was a campaign volunteer and that Manafort had a limited role in the campaign when he was the actual chairman.

Talk like this looks like they are distancing themselves from these two. Like they know something bad is coming. Unless he was told to say these things specifically he shouldn't have said anything at all. Why give fodder to the news outlets.


It's not hard to get a sense of things... unless you let partisanship close your mind...

Spicer was flat out lying. Bad optics.

hey Jeff...the man with a brain...did you ever figure out how to.open a nosler box

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell