Some of you people are asserting that the only reason Trump won was that Russians leaked info out about Hillary.

So you are telling me that HRC lost because of Wikileaks? That it had nothing to do with the horrid campaign she ran, the fact that she only campaigned in venues "friendly to her (like Palm Beach, or SoCal), and that Trump had nothing to do with the fact that the White Blue collar vote went for him because he was in the Rust Belt talking jobs, borders, and deregulation?

Come on! Put the bong down.

Trump out campaigned Hillary. He talked about things that voters want to hear about. They don;t give a care about transgendered bathrooms, but do care about jobs, security, regulation, and taxes. Bill Clinton told Hillary and told Hillary that is what she needed to hammer, and she refused to do it and instead listened to her sorry assed advisors that have never worked outside of NYC, DC, or LA/SF.

HRC lost because she is an intolerable bitch to anyone she comes in contact with, and arrogantly demanded to become the first woman President. Demanded it be presented to her as if she was the royal princess ascending to the throne instead of someone who earned the trust of the American people by her words and deeds.

Russia influenced the election? Pleeze! HRC influenced enough voters negatively without the aid of Vlad Putin to sink her own ship. The Left is in dreamland fantasizing that some miracle with occur that Trump is driven from office, Pence abdicates, and Hillary is then coronated in 2020. That's about as realistic as me dreaming that Warren Buffet deeds me his fortune and Jessica Simpon wants to sleep with me everyday and my wife doesn't see that as a problem. Dream on!

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo