Originally Posted by ltppowell
Originally Posted by JamesJr

Donald Trump has been used to being the big kid on the block. He could say and do whatever he wished, and if people didn't like it, he just said "screw em", and that was that. It doesn't work that way when you're president. The president of this country is the most scrutinized person on the planet. Everyone's eyes, and ears, are on him 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I don't care what some of you think, he has no business being on Twitter in the first place.....period. If he suspected Obama of wiretapping him, all he had to was pick up the phone and order someone to investigate. If he had proof, then he should have made it public. If there was no proof, then he should have kept quiet about it until such time that he had proof. If he comes out of this proven to have lied, it is not going to bode well for his future.

Wise words.

Yep....Trumps pick for SCOTUS also appeared before congress and pretty much killed it today but instead of talking about what a wise choice he made we're talking about all this FAKE Russian chit.

And by "fake" I mean the FBI's investigation of colusion as well as Trump's promise of wiretap proof will both turn out to be partisan BS.