I care about you grouchy recalcitrant SOB's... I really do.... and while it's going to be somewhat amusing watching you guys eat crow, considering how much shït you pitch me, it's also very concerning to me that you are in such utter denial about this. You're gonna get dope-slapped HARD. I suggest you turn down the partisanship and then turn on your brain. This is really not that hard to see the rough outlines of. The information is all out there.

It couldn't be more clear, now, that members of his campaign (Manafort, Stone, Flynn) colluded. The only remaining question is whether Trump can be tied to it. Based on his hysterical guilty-as-sin-incarnate tweeting.... I say "yep!" But we'll see.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two