And what kind of frenzy will the R's and the alt.right media be in when this unfolds to take Trump down?

And this all serves AMERICA how exactly?

Because it sure serves Russia! In every scenario, from Trump being removed on the one end of the scale, to a total repudiation and discrediting of our intelligence service's and MSM's credibility, and anything in between (such as massive societal dischord and the corresponding widening of the "truthiness" chasm that currently exists between the sides) Putin wins. Bigly.

We been punked. Hell... it's certainly possible Trump got punked right along with us. If he wasn't such an arrogant [bleep] he might could even salvage this situation by being candid about it. Instead, it's lie lie lie (complete with get caught get caught get caught) and deflect and distract and cover-up. Ad what is it they say about coverups?

Notice how EVERYONE, from Trump to the R's in Congress and for that matter the D's as well.... isn't breathing a WORD about Pence? Why do you think that is? Why would they want to keep him clean?

C'mon guys. Turn on your BS sensors.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two