Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Bwana_1
I've said it before, and say it again...I hope it's all a BS witch hunt, let's prove it's all lies and move onward. For it to haunt his reign in the Whitehouse, all while trashing his integrity and reputation...certainly doesn't help anyone including his hardcore supporters.

We should want the truth if national security is at risk, and if facts aren't found then everyone can STFU.

So, how many more months or years should we pay them to sit on their ass? They been looking for 9 freaking months! You think we should pay them to look for nothing the rest of their lives, 3 mo, 6 mo, 1 yr, 3 yrs? They retire well off at our expense, B. How long you think before maybe they should investigate real crimes, like leaks, like how much different countries paid the clinton foundation to be able to meet personally with her? Its a crime to sell access to members of the US govt. Tell us how concerned Comey is about that?

I'm not a fan of Comey, and certainly don't dictate protocol to the FBI or NSA. I'm not and haven't been a Clinton supporter, if she's guilty hang her...she ain't my sister I don't f'n care.

Washington has always been dirty, and many have retired fat and rich on our dime...I didn't invent the system nor condone it, I just live by the rules like all the other stiffs.