I think that wolves are what they are. It doesn�t matter whether people demonize them or not.

I think they're smart enough to have learned to leave people alone, just like they learn to leave bears alone, for example.

Just because they don't usually attack man, doesn't mean that under the right circumstances, motivated by hunger, opportunity, etc. they won't.

Frankly, knowing that they don't usually eat people meat, doesn't make me feel that much safer. I think that common sense would dictate that we watch out for them boogers, and oppose the baloney spread by the "wolf huggers". I think they are the extremists.

IMO, I�m not an extremist against wolves, and I can�t say I�ve ever met or heard of one. I suppose that anyone who is for aerial wolf hunting would be an extremist in the eyes of the �wolf hugger� types, but I don�t believe the facts, no matter how they slant them, support that view.

Smitty of the North

No amount of planning will ever replace Dumb Luck.