Originally Posted by BrentD
Oh, I'm very smug - yeah right.

So, where did you answer my questions? As I thought; no class.

How much has the deer herd decreased as the wolf population has risen from 500 in the 1970s to 3000 today? The deer herd has not decreased since then. What is your point? I don't argue it. in fact, I agree that the deer herd, under wise management by DNR Wildlife, my sister section, has risen while wolves have increased in number. I have made that very point many times on this forum.

What field work do you do that my students read about in class - or even could reasonably be expected to read? Here is the part of one of my posts that you ap-parently have a problem with: [color:#FF0000] "I'm a science guy too, but I DO and I learn. I'm one of the guys who do the field work that you read and tell your students about" I have to guess which part of my posts you have misinterpreted and have caused you to form an errant opinion of my "cause" because you will not answer my questions as to where in my posts you get such weird ideas. The statement, if you read it, says that "I am one of the guys"..... In other words, it is a general statement that I too am a "science guy", even though I am in management now, and my data collection and other work is not considered "pure research" (noticed I didn't use the word "research" in my original post) by smug research types. I don't know exactly what you teach in your classes and made no claim that you would use work done specifically by me; that's why I used "guys like me." However, my recent work has been developing new survey protocals, local IBIs and other fish community databases, watershed geomorpholgy data bases, along with trout habitat improvement projects, river restoration techniques, wilderness watershed surveys, plant and fish community surveys, long-term thermal habitat monitoring (on account of projected global warming- the last subject you went weird on me about). Lake trout spawn takes, fish stocking, survey reports, management plans, etc. etc. take up some of my time, along with varous publications, including new survey manuals, fishing guides, etc. And I CAN WIGGLE MY EARS!! Big deal, I AND YOU are just like the many others who work with biotic systems. My statement was a general statement about how teachers often rely on databases and other site specific and new methodologies built by field people like me. However, you read the worst into it and are now demanding proof, in hopes of besting me somehow. I find it interesting that a guy who studies small mammal communities (you trap mice in Iowa) can somehow portray himself as above others, when your work may be of some importance, but is certainly not exciting. And specifically, your reading comprehension suffers greatly, which I will demonstrate as soon as you answer the questions fairly posed to you by me and others. Perhaps you would post your entire name so others can google you, or better yet, post your school web site so everyone can read up on your qualifications and past work. That would answer ranger's question. I won't post your info without your permission.[/color]

So, have at it.

So there. I answered your questions first, even though you refuse to answer ones posed to you before you ignored them and posed your own questions. Classy of me, eh?
Your turn:
1)What is my cause?
2)Show me where I'm as "radical in" my "name calling and declarations as "they" do in their's." Where did I refer to "pro-wolfers" as "greenie [bleep]?"

Oh.. and 3) I'm still waiting for you to explain the last claim you made against me.. as to how guys like me are making the "planet and society so screwed up."

There are many copies.