The cause of the wolves hunting in the CHSRd - North Pole area is the lack of snow..... Once the snow is deep enough to slow down the moose, the pack will move on to hunt their favorite meal....moose.

Interesting hypothesis. I tend to favor your second, third, and fourth sentence. I do wonder about the first and last though.

Wolves are just like all predators. Their life revolves around a balance between the number of calories recieved from a food source and the number of calories used up in obtaining that food source. Add to that the ability to detect and discern danger (to a rather sophisticated degree I might add,) you are left with an awesome, wolf-efficient machine. I have a hard time believing that once habituated to an easier to catch, high caloric meal like Fido, Rex, or Boomer...they will stop just because of snow. What will make them stop is men taking away the ease of catching their domestic cousin in such an simple fashion. Shoot a couple of them or trap a couple. Then, remove the opportunity by bring Fido inside (take care of Fido, please) and they will move on. If the cost to the wolf is too great, and the fear of man put into them, they will probably leave on their own.

With that said, I'd like to come up and take a poke at em...but I've a few here to manage anyhow.


"You've been here longer than the State of Alaska is old!"
*** my Grandaughters