Originally Posted by BrentD
dpole, your cause seems to be to jump on anyone that you don't like. Right now, that seems to be me.
Thanks for answering one of my questions, but that's not my cause.
You don't make points when you are badgering anyone and everyone. Look at your last post. You're about to burst a gasket. Golly gee whiz dpole - this is the internet. chill a little. Completely calm. I tried to answer your questions thoroughly and you now accuse me of badgering everyone, not making ponts, burst a gasket, blah.. How about just answering the questions, thoroughly and calmly, like I did?

AS for screwing up the planet, the entire "if you ain't with me, you're against me" thing is so damn prevalent here on the net and it ain't getting anyone anywhere. Take you and I for instance, we are basically on the same side. Yet, if I do anything even slightly contrary by your books, you are all over me like a wet rag.

Meanwhile you can post anything you want about me. I mean how much worse can it get? You've already beat me up one side and down the other. Anyone with half a brain should be able to reach any of my webpages in 4 clicks or less.

I just got back from my "unexciting" field work and it was damn unpleasant in addition to the unexciting part, but someone has to do it. I suspected from your tone of writing that not only do you presume that others do my fieldwork for me, but you also don't think much of college folk in general.

Meanwhile, I need to go out and buy a few more hatchets and neoprene gloves for my techs so we can chop out traps and handle animals at dawn. So, until then you can lay waste to me all you want.

Oh yeah, my work involves predator-prey interactions (among other things). This particular time the mice are the predators (would you believe one of them is carnivourous, runs in packs, howls at the moon, and is venomous?). The general principles of predator-prey systems are something I know a little bit about. I don't think that puts me above anyone. But it does have relevance to wolves and ungulates etc.

I also volunteer my time for a few public hunting organizations (PF, Ikes, etc) and I constantly watch them shoot themselves in the foot be attacking anyone and everyone that ain't "one of us".

Now, I gotta git, so keep warm,


PS. I don't recall going weird on you ever. I don't recall NOT going weird on you over global warming either. But whatever. I got [bleep] to do.

Ya, I'm real bad. The fact is that you apparently construed a post of mine (makes two posts now) in a way I didn't mean it and attacked me for it. I've been trying to resolve the issue by asking you a couple of simple questions so that we can zero in on the problem (makes two posts now), but you just continue to accuse and critisize. It ain't working (makes two posts now-won't be three-I'm done). Like pulling teeth, I tell ya. And in the quest to resolve the issue, the original thread has been trashed. Pitiful waste of bandwidth. I won't be doing that again. Sorry guys. frown

There are many copies.