Originally Posted by colorado
My God, what's hunting and hiking without a little excitement. Snakes and bugs kill more humans each year than all the grizzlies, mountain lions and wolves put together. Protect yourself, kill them in self defense if need be, hunt and manage them, but don't exterminate them. Or put on a skirt and play in the city park.


No-one is advocating extermination of wolves, but just a reduction in they�re number, in areas where they�ve become a problem, to people, to their prey, and ultimately to themselves. This is not easy to do, by any means.

It's been explained rather well in this thread.

Snakes and bugs can be so boring, but you can rest easy. Your life can remain exciting, while you trip the light fantastic, there in the park.
Smitty of the North

No amount of planning will ever replace Dumb Luck.